Welcome to Day 1,891.

Today is a heavier day than yesterday for site news, so let's begin.

First up, in While & After news, the following updates have occurred:

  • Part 5 of 'Weaseling' My Way Out Of Both Being Lectured And Disrupted, while part 4 of 'Weaseling' My Way Out Of Both Being Lectured And Disrupted has move to Inflindication, Continued
  • The Next Legitimate Tier 12 Contender, And An Additional Replenishment has been converted into a non-menu website page
  • Dial "B" For Brutal and The Final Purge Of Movies Battling For Foreseeable Catch-22 Hundred Spotshave both moved to Fresh At The Time
  • A new page has been added, entitled "In A Pinch", with its purpose being to provide an extra blog page, in case of entry overage. Furthermore, a blog entry has posted to that page, entitled Adding Another "Plaza" To The Foreseeable Assessment Group

In Twitter Tuesday news, the Twitter Tuesday page and Twitter Tuesday Extension page have both updated, as there will be no updates to those two pages until 09/05/23 and 09/06/23, respectively.

In news that happened between the 08-27-23 Nog Report and this one, the mention of the 03-29-23 Nog Report was consolidated into the notation that mentions the Nog Reports for 05-11-23, 06-05-23, 07-03-23, 08-01-23 and 08-26-23.

In Sub Access news, the newly created In A Pinch page has been indexed on the Sub Access page. Plus, six subpage listings have been re-positioned on that page. They are the following pages:

  • Sneak Leaks
  • Extra Sessions
  • The Bonus Round
  • Miscellaneous
  • Kaycee And The Forefront
  • Apps-A-Lutely

In Art Infliction website color news, the original website colors have returned, as the 11 days of Los Angeles Lakers themed homages for both Phil Jackson and the late Kobe Bryant have concluded.

And finally, in Land Of Infusion news, Gran Turismo has already landed on the Movie-Ocrity/Dishonorable Mention page after not even being in Tier 7 for an entire day.

Well, that's all for now.

Thank you and until next time, you have tuned into The Nog.

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